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Member Since 03 Nov 2010
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In Topic: Aristocrat MKV (aka Mark 5) added to MAME

03 November 2010 - 04:29 PM

Poop, no roms, My eprom burner card needs ISA port. Hope I got a old PC still working with one. Forgot my roms got lost in the raid crash, all those mods I done too, might be lucky to have a backup on cd, but I doubt it.

In Topic: Aristocrat MKV (aka Mark 5) added to MAME

03 November 2010 - 04:25 PM

Hi, Im new here, only come across this place cause I am searching for the stuff I lost in a raid crash. After reading how there is work in progress with the emu of other aristocrat games other then the famous 4 that were leaked. I see the struggle to get it to a workable point.

I am keen to keep reading updates, but no where do I see mention of the memory clear reset needed to be done when you swap roms or when the ram chip is cleared. Maybe it's something the devs are doing or working on. (I think it was door open, door jam switch closed, toggle a switch, turn on push a button, memory resets) been too long to remember now.

I Downloaded UI64 v140, I will see what I can get from it.