Got my first rainbow pots today off 8 spins.. first 7 spin brought in two pot symbols cosecutively 8th bought in all 3 and went for 500..... ended up 530 pound up for the session good result.
played this machine today xxx = £1 777 = £5 --- = 35 and the monoply man in the window awards mega streak or a cash win.. nudged in for a cash win / mega streak off a wink wink nudge and got a 135 pound mega streak... pumped in a few more coins and nothing played on 50p mode.. its the low tech video screen version... moved onto a low tech dond got two 25 pound jackpots in succession thru jackpot symbols and some good open the boc wins....successful hour or so
Was in a near local arcade n observed an elderly lady who had just pumped in over 60 pound into a multi player party time (the one where the top board is a video n a dice is thrown n the lil guy lands on squares with values n bonuses etc) i noticed that any time she got a win the unit would delay for about 5 seconds...anyhow she left n i put in a tenner n got a few pound n 5 pound wins but no top feature and still the delay.. i left it then witnessed a guy put over 100 in it n no feature but the delay was still there.. So was the unit just dead or was it faulty.....??? i have my suspicions
Hi.. read the tutorials and downloaded the emulators ok. I downloaded a jpm game nudgebonanza and unzipped the file etc.. however the jpm emulator doesnt recognise the game and the files in the folder are not ecognised by windows and are of only 2 -16kb with the exception of the dat file which 3000kb where have i gone wrong..?
I am looking to puchase / playthe above machine for nostalgic reasons.. was a popular machine in the late 70s early 80s was great when the 2pound jackpot(melons or grapes) would roll str8 in and then go on too hold another three times.. 8 quid in 10p tokens lol. Does anyone know of one in any arcades in west of scotland or where i may purchase one.. cheers i am in irvine