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Member Since 21 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2005 11:23 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fruit Machine Delivery

30 December 2005 - 11:23 AM

I have tried Palletways and await their response. I dont think they will take it has its not on a Pallet which im assuming the specialise in.Worth a try anyway.
As for "React" im still waiting for a response as well but it is christmas so i dont think it will be this year!

Happy new year everyone and if anyone has got any other ideas please let me know

In Topic: Fruit Machine Delivery

29 December 2005 - 10:36 AM

Thanks for that iv asked for a quote and hopefully they will take it!
Thanks again

In Topic: How much is a Fairground Fruit Machine Worth?

17 November 2005 - 07:12 PM

As far as i know its definetly not the same.lol. Never been in there to be truthful but you could always see them hanging around outside!
If anyone else is not interested i will list it on Ebay tomorrow

In Topic: How much is a Fairground Fruit Machine Worth?

17 November 2005 - 11:30 AM

Oh right. It seems to get quite a bit of business nowadays. It used to be full of chavs but now it seems to have gone a bit more "upmarket". if thats the right word!lol
Do you think they would in interested in my Fairground machine? Would it be worth listing it on Ebay?

In Topic: How much is a Fairground Fruit Machine Worth?

17 November 2005 - 11:08 AM

there is,i can't remember the actual name of it but its right near the cop shop and the traffic lights right next door to the car valeting place where the all night tate's shop is. i was helping out on repairs there for a while last year,i think its the old cinema years ago, i'm fecked if i can remember what its called.....ahhhh i remember now THE ROXY.....YERRRRRRRRR


Ha Roxy amusements. I know where you mean(its actually on St John St!)
Its just had a major refit. I can give them a ring and see what they say.