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Member Since 19 Dec 2010
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Topics I've Started

MachineBase! New way to find and download exactly the Layout that you want!

03 October 2018 - 03:12 PM

Hi Folks,


As previously promised, I said that I was working on something to make everyone's lives a bit easier, and this is what I've come up with. It's called "MachineBase" and it's a way of viewing layouts quickly and simply, and then when you've found what you were looking for, just press "download game" and voila... it'll be on your hard drive!




Feel free to download and have a play around with it. I'll be adding more layouts as quickly as I can, and will be crediting each layout author in the Games information panel as soon as I can.


Here is the file location: https://ufile.io/dlvph


This was written with the Dot.Net framework, so you might need to install the latest Dot.Net framework on your PC for it to work.


I hope you enjoy, and I am hoping to update this regularly with even more features.


Thanks :)

Subscription Paid

21 September 2018 - 11:22 AM

Hi aaamusements,


I've just paid and set up a subscription, please add this to my account at your earliest convenience.


Would have sent you a PM but when I did there was an error saying your account cannot receive private messages.


Many thanks.