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Member Since 05 May 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2008 07:08 AM

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In Topic: Alarm bells ringing...neighbours banging on the wall...

12 May 2005 - 08:41 PM

Move house m8 lol , Sorry not tech minded :)


Ross...SPOT ON with your diagnosis m8............Switched back on....fingers in ears for 20 secs.....alarm shuts itself off....and then I noticed 2 credits were left from before I opened the back up..
Thank you very kindly sir.... :cool:

In Topic: Alarm bells ringing...neighbours banging on the wall...

12 May 2005 - 07:15 PM

mine used to shut off after 20 secs or so

If I can stand the row for 20 secs does that mean it wont happen everytime I switch it off then back on again?

I know it' not the doors cos I opened each one in turn, switched on machine, then pressed the button (as if door was closed) and the alarm still went off.....it only started happening after I opened the back to un-jam some coins then I got some coins out of the front..

If I unhook the speakers does that meanI lose all the game play sounds aswell?

RS232 will fail on one, I'm assuming it'll only not fail if something like a Datapak is fitted? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Sorry for being a bit dim...but this is all new to me......

BTW...there is no error message when the alarm goes off.....

In Topic: JPM Monopoly 60th Anniversary...101 questions...

10 May 2005 - 07:24 PM

3.you will have have a fault on the lights transistors on the board i have been talking about.you may need to get a replacement board on ebay if you dont have a supplier near you.


Thanks for the speedy responses fellas......

Baz....sorry to be a bit of a dummy, but I aint got a clue what you are on about... :confused: ...what's the chance that you could tell me exactly what I need.....even better, what's the chance you could point me to a link on ebay where someone is selling what I need....I know....I'm a cheeky s0d...lol....

Oh and BTW....would it be easy for a complete dummy like me to install?