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Member Since 05 May 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2008 07:08 AM

Topics I've Started

Alarm bells ringing...neighbours banging on the wall...

12 May 2005 - 05:48 PM

Monopoly 60th.....
Opened the front to get some coins out...switched back on and the bl00dy alarm goes off......the doors are all shut..I pressed the red test button.....it got to R5232 Test 2....sending.......FAIL.....has that got anything to do with it..phoned the guy up I got it from he said check all doors, then just keep pressing start button...tried that for 1 minute but had neighbours banging on the wall..LOL
It's Ok when the back door is open...Any help would be appreciated....about the alarm..I can sort the neighbour ... ;)

JPM Monopoly 60th Anniversary...101 questions...

10 May 2005 - 04:25 PM

I've just bought one of these and have a 'few' questions....Perhaps I should have paged the 'oracle' ..... ;)...2nd thoughts, I might be able to understand the replies here better...he he.

1....It's set at 70% ...how do I change this...holds are few and far between, would changing % help things? :confused:

2....How do I run a test to see which bulbs are not working? :confused:

3....The 'Yellow Full Set Series' light and the nudge pot #5 lights are permanently on..Is this correct? :confused:

4....How do you actually manage to light a 'Full Set'..if you get past go you get the jackpot! :confused:

5....I get random nudges...is that correct? :confused:

6....There is a lock above the one which accesses the cash boxes at the bottom....What's that for...Do I need a key? Can I get one? There also seems to be some kind of plate missing above this lock. What's that all about? :confused:

7....How do I get the £ coins out...not that I need to at the moment...but you never know. :D

8....Flashing red light on motherboard!!!! Is this correct?

9....What's the Man in a Top Hat with a cane on the reels all about?...What happens when I get him on the winline?

10....How do I access the bulbs that are hard to get too...ie...the ones bottom right and left. Is there a catch to allow the front to open?...I found 3 butterfly screws, is it them?

So many question..Answers on a postcard please....LOL :D

Any other tips/cheats...PLEASE...

Problem with Razzle Dazzle

05 May 2005 - 08:31 PM

I have a Barcrest 'RAZZLE DAZZLE ' from the mid 80's (I think)...
(1).....It has an intermittent problem with the token slot, sometimes the tokens register, sometimes not....I've had a look at it but can't see what the problem is, not that I really know what I'm looking for!!!!! Any ideas?

(2)....The 'Cancel' light also doesn't light up, Its not the bulb, so I assume it's the switch, where do I get one and what type/spec is it?.....

(3)....There are strip lights across the inside, one doesn't work, I bought a new strip, it still doesn't work and only lights up about an inch from either end...What's the problem please.
Thanks in anticipation...