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Member Since 13 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2022 11:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: MFME cabinet build - the project begins.....

10 August 2017 - 03:38 PM

Happy to share this btw (uses absolute paths so should migrate to any pc), I'm hoping it will be the start of a bigger preservation project as Launchbox provides a perfect platform for this....



In Topic: MFME cabinet build - the project begins.....

10 August 2017 - 01:51 PM

Yes they are temporary videos - I'll be replacing them soon. They were done with using the windows game bar (Win Button-G) as this was a quick way of getting them recorded (and grabbing a screen grab also :)

In Topic: MFME cabinet build - the project begins.....

09 August 2017 - 08:31 PM

https://www.youtube.com/embed/vfHw25Gxr9g :)

In Topic: MFME cabinet build - the project begins.....

08 August 2017 - 02:04 PM

I've built my MFME front-end with Launchbox and Rocketlauncher - this provides zip (or 7z support) for roms, playlists and fade (so everything looks seemless) support - I'll post a video up In a day or so. :D

In Topic: Project Amber - The Installation Issues Thread

13 April 2012 - 05:09 PM

what they said...