My 1st EVER PDX Release
Not sure if the Middle Feature Looks Right on the Trail but ive backed everything up if need to fix the Trail
Theres NO Flyer as this was a Failed Machine so im going by Guess ... Looks like a sheep theme some sort
21 January 2021 - 04:44 AM
My 1st EVER PDX Release
Not sure if the Middle Feature Looks Right on the Trail but ive backed everything up if need to fix the Trail
Theres NO Flyer as this was a Failed Machine so im going by Guess ... Looks like a sheep theme some sort
11 December 2020 - 07:49 PM
Never been so addicted to this type of machine but i know this is a new one .... Love it £30 in £75 Out on 50p Stake ... yesterday 20p stake just over £10 not bad if you get the multiplier and Mega Feature !!!
Love to see this emulated but its far too new
09 December 2020 - 02:05 PM
Anyone have any ideas how to get the Old youtube Layout as The Good Old Youtube Extension No Longer works
23 November 2020 - 08:31 PM
Hi everyone hope you are all well
Im wondering if you can help me ?
I have bought 2 HDMI splitters off Amazon but they did not get any signal off my laptop ( plug and play ) one did work but failed after a while other had no power at all which both had OK reviews till i saw people having laptop issues ..
Can anyone recommend a Decent HDMI splitter please
22 November 2020 - 08:34 PM
My Honor mobile runs slightly slower than usual but the screen itself is not cracked but there is seems to me dead pixels in a line going across in the middle any ideas what this means .... mobile on its way out also ive noticed the mobile heats up at times