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Member Since 05 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2004 02:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Richard O'Brien Double Bill

14 September 2004 - 01:36 PM

I agree with BB on the lack of responses nowadays, it's very downheartening for people to put a lot of effort into creating a layout and get so little feedback, sad really, but it's the way the scene has developed.

I've not downloaded Crystal Maze yet, so can't give any judgement on that, but I DO know just how poor the Rocky Flyer was, and it's turned out rather well, the colours are a little washed out, but they are bright and easy to make out on's from off's, so it isn't a serious problem.

The file size, well, that's an obvious one, it's all down to transparent lamps, they bump file sizes up enormously, I'd never criticise a layout for its use of transparent lamps, that's up to the designer, as long as they are aware of why a layout is large, they can then make an informed choice on how to create other DX's, manual, which is time consuming and yes, tedious, but has the advantage of control over what type of lamp to use, bringing file sizes down, or automatic, easier to understand, but little control over the eventual file size.

All in all, a good DX, worthy of anyone's hard drive space.

In Topic: Who created the Rocky Horror Classic???

06 September 2004 - 02:17 PM

The classic Rocky Horror, this was originally Harvey's creation, as was the first DX, which is a 1024x768 in the wide format.

Mine were redraws at both 1280 and 1024 sizes, in the true aspect ratio style, what some call wdx or window dx.

Smiley's will be a 1024x768 dx that will be back to the original wide style like his recent Lucky Strike Club.

The artwork I uploaded was my redrawn work, but Smiley has decided to use the flyer from Pook instead, and work on improving it, though he has used my reels.

I think that covers everything! :)

In Topic: Any good quality "Rocky Horror" artwork out there?

26 August 2004 - 03:57 PM

Okay, I've gone one better and zipped up a psd file, I've just included the top and bottom glass, removed the background and cabinet.

The top and bottom glass are in two seperate layer sets, and within each set are the layered components of the glasses so you can either flatten them or leave them layered for easier lamping.

Have fun!

In Topic: Any good quality "Rocky Horror" artwork out there?

26 August 2004 - 03:26 PM

Thanks guys.

Yeah, there's a few versions out there, but there doesn't seem to be a fullscreen version available.

Mike, I am amazed that your versions are redrawn.
I have been playing your version for weeks now.
Excellent work.

The only reason that I want to do a fullscreenDX for it is that it will eventually be played through my MAME CAB (which after months of planning, I started building today :D ), and although it will have a very large monitor, I would still like to make it as easy to see as possible.

I'll see if I can get a copy of the flyer from Pook, and start from there.


Well, you're more than welcome to have bitmap copies of the artwork if you want them, though going off your last DX I think you'd like to have a go yourself from scratch, but if you are interested just let me know.

In Topic: Any good quality "Rocky Horror" artwork out there?

26 August 2004 - 02:16 PM

I've just been digging through my psd files for Rocky Horror, and found one that contained a layered section from the original flyer, I've pasted it above my redrawn version, as you can see if you decide to do a full screen version of it, and get hold of the complete flyer from Pook that it's going to be a big job, the flyer itself is just not good enough to use for anything other than a base to work from.