Separate to this... but related.
I am having trouble accessing the website - most times it keeps coming up 'webpage cannot be displayed' and the diagnostics tool keeps appearing. I can eventually get on, but it isn't loading when I first use IE8 or Firefox.
Is there any trouble at the Fruit Emu end? Or is it just my connection?
Look forward to replies.
No problems I'm aware of.
oooppps all i had to do was change the drop down box to basic then all is fine
thx for help peeps

Cheers Duplu, probably Sky then! lol
I never saw the post matey but I couldnt log on for 4days with that same issue.And then after doing so and reseting my password 5times!!!!lol and been successful,it then happened again 2days ago.
Everything ok atm.But yeah real annoying at the time.
it does that to me all the time!!! at first i thought it was me! does,t bother me much thu!