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Member Since 01 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2023 09:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Project Fortune Wheel Streak

21 May 2010 - 03:00 PM

Thanks for the reply's guy's. Maybe it's a crappy rom? I did get £30 + from it spinning in wins straight off- which I have never seen during normal play - but this was spread over £15 of credits - so really an obvoius streak??? As for Rags to Riches - that's my fave of all time. and yes - the £6 conversion was pants - never had much over £24 from holds on these. Whereas the £4.80 I had 9 holds many times plus the first win equalling £48. This was pretty mad back in the day. Anyone ever had more that £48 in straight holds?

The £90 streak on Fortune wheel was on the £6 version and was all won during the streak - ie of the wheel during the back to back win phase - no afterplay - went dead as a dodo after that.

In Topic: Project's Fortune Wheel (Synth Sounds)

17 May 2010 - 09:12 AM

This is my numbre 1 all time fave machine - a googolplex of thank you's for this! What size streak has anyine had?

In Topic: Whats the deal with these oldies?

10 December 2009 - 10:22 AM

Thanks for the replies guy's. I totally agree - I played for 17 years from '89 and was well in to the 4.80 days. There was no feeling like getting a rag to riches holding 10 times and then a project fotune wheel going on a £60 3 nudge streak - knowing you had a ton of tokens - which felt like free play money! That was how we played back then - try and keep your tokens stocked up and put your nuggets into the back pocket. It felt like you were risking nothing whilst that pocket of tokens stayed full. And you really had to know the machines too - there was a real skill in just playing a machine and knowing which to put cash through and which to put tokens through...

Great days indeed.

In Topic: Bullion Bars Empty!

06 December 2009 - 02:01 AM

seriously dude - just read the same post on fruitchat from yourself. Are you looking for attention or after something more sinister?
Comments?? It would have been nice to see the win setups etc - Ive seen plenty of trays full of nuggets in my time - nothing new there....

In Topic: Jokers Wild DX 1024 (Project)

31 October 2009 - 10:11 AM

Thanks mate - i'll have a bash at getting it buzzed later and see what happens.
Cheers for the reply.