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Member Since 01 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2023 09:35 AM

Topics I've Started

Project Fortune Wheel Streak

21 May 2010 - 11:15 AM

The recently added project fortune wheel emulation is giving me a headache - I have been playing it now for 4 days and have yet to see evidence of an onvious streak. In the wild I have had the £6 version go for £90 - which began with wins spinning straight in, with each win offering the wheel, with no losers on the wheel. The streak then progressed to a 3 nudge phase (Which I am more used to seeing on this machine).
Has anyone had this emu streak yet? If so - what should I be looking for? With the old machines there was no missing a streak! or maybe this rom is different rom to what I have played 20 years ago!!

Cheers Guys

Whats the deal with these oldies?

09 December 2009 - 10:06 AM

Hi guy's,
I hear a lot about older machines like eachway shuffle, line up and the JPM series of nudgers (Deluxe, nudge up etc). Whats the deal with these and why where they so popular?? I got into fruits in 1989 - so just missed the boat on these - or rather I played them for a year, but just lost all the time! What sort of amounts could you win from these machines on 5p and 10p play?


Red Hot 6 - Tips???

16 December 2008 - 02:34 PM

Hi Guys,
I have recently downlaoded the £1k version of Red Hot 6 and was wondering if anyone has any tips? I have heard rumours that there is a method for playing the top board?
Any advice which would increase my enjoyment of this game would be greatfully received.


Any more project coins in the pipeline?

25 November 2008 - 07:01 AM

anything surfaced recently guys? There must be plenty of shooting stars and the like floating around??

Does this streak??

17 November 2008 - 09:10 AM

Hi Guy's,
I've spend about 5 hours playing the 777 heaven £6 JP token version. Never played this in the wild, but did play the £4.80 version to death. As yet I have not had an obvious streak. Does this version follow the same streak pattern as the 4.80 - ie JP hold then a short nudge hold run for a total of around £25??

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
