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Closed - Adam

Member Since 10 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2004 12:11 AM

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In Topic: Time till account deletion....5 days RB

02 March 2004 - 12:03 AM

Adam rugg I grassed ya but I was a little late as the mods were on to you


Well your just a prick then. Try looking into the post before reporting it. You will find no porn on the links.

No one respects a grass on here! :lol:

In Topic: Time till account deletion....5 days RB

02 March 2004 - 12:01 AM

The thing is "adam" the wording was such that child porn was mentioned...
a big NO NO on any site... and unless we had clicked on it...we wouldnt know...but if we had clicked and found porn!!! diffrent ferkin story "Mate"

But with the wording of your thead wasnt it to illicit a response...but probably not the response you were hoping for...

I dont give a toss mate! There was no porn on da site!

You should of had a look then if it botheres you that much!

Get over it! :lol:

In Topic: Time till account deletion....5 days RB

01 March 2004 - 08:41 PM


In Topic: Time till account deletion....5 days RB

01 March 2004 - 08:01 PM

... but if he gives the impression theres child porn behind that link can he blame anyone for not clicking on it?

Oh well, thats all dead and buried now, back to normality!


Let get it strait BB!!!!

There was people with clothes on belive it or not...
People modeling Clothes!!!!!

People like you posting shit made everyone think CP content was on there! :roll:

In Topic: Latest 'in the abyss'

01 March 2004 - 07:03 PM

You liked my post so much, you start a 2nd one???
