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Member Since 31 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2009 03:20 PM

Topics I've Started

Animal cruelty

07 October 2005 - 06:17 AM

I took a cat in off the streets yesterday who i know has been mistreated as i was talking to the neighbours of the house were i got her from and was feeding her, apparently the previous owners got a dog and threw flint out when it arrived, i've been passing the house for weeks and stroking her, i looked in the collar and there was a name flint (crap name for a cat)she is very thin and needs a lot of feeding up to get better , she is a lovable cat and i cannot belive she was treated like that, there was a name and a number in her collar so i am going to report the owners for cruelty, has anyone else seen cruelty to animals in their neighbourhood.

Our first wedding anniversary

25 September 2005 - 08:41 AM

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Me and tattoo have been married a year today and i cant believe how fast its flew over, i love him more and more each day, he treats me with love and respect , more than any other man has, he's taking me out for dinner after work tonight cant wait
love geri xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

Me and tattoo have packed in smoking

21 September 2005 - 11:36 AM

Last monday me and tattoo went to the doctors to pack in smoking he gave us nicotine patches and we havent smoked for 9 days , i feel much healthier and had sam out for a two hour walk in the park yesterday , and all oz does is eat lol he says its the only way he can cope , the only downside is i keep having weird dreams i guess those willl settle down as the treatment progresses, just thought i'd share our news with you all love and hugs mrs tattoo xxxxxx :p

Bencrest - I closed your Font, Size, Color, Bold and Italic tags - for future reference, if you open say an Italic tag [ I] (without the space), you need to close it with [/ I] (again, without the space) :)


31 August 2005 - 05:04 PM

[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=4][I] Hi guys just introducing myself i'm married to tattoo and its him that got me on this site and addicted :p hope you are all ok
love sarah aka mrs tattoo