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Member Since 11 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2017 08:17 AM

Topics I've Started


01 December 2009 - 08:12 AM

Hi guys, damn its been a LONG time since ive been on these forums. Just wanted to pop in and say hi and to let you all know im fruit machine free in my life and its great not playing them ! If any of you are in my boat or wanting to get here, then it is possible, if you have people around you that love you and care for you as much as i do you will do it, they are the reason i gave up, i couldnt do it to them losing money all the time, yeah winning jp every now and then was good but i lost more than i won and it wasnt good enough, it had to end, so i did it, i stopped coming here and stopped playing them in real life, now i havent touched one in almost a year (jan 17th), i can even go to the pub watch my mate put loads in and i am able to walk away and not touch them !

There is hope for you that are addicted you just have to take the first step and not put money in them, buy a ps3 game or dare i say it xbox game, take your missus out or spoil your child (if you have one), there are loads you can do with it, you just have to be brave enough !

Take care all


Rocky horror help

10 September 2008 - 07:11 PM

Just got a fruit machine Rocky Horror by bwb, it was free so cant comlplain. the only problem is the display where it tell you how many credits you have etc is a bunch of symbols that look like "@" anyone have a clue as to whats up ?

can't download

02 August 2007 - 07:14 PM

Why don't I have sufficient privilages to download ?

I tried downloading the gold ruch rom and I got the message saying i didn't have the right privilages.

cock a doodle rip off

11 July 2007 - 08:03 PM

I played cock a doodle dough £35 jp, got mega streak and only got £25 off it you guys think i got ripped off ?

what's the fruit machine called and is it emulatable ?

23 April 2007 - 01:09 PM

I used to love playing a fruit machine that was in the same style as lotr return of the king/monopoly where you had a normal board and a super board and you had to get 3 icons to move up to the super board, the symbols were a vampire, frankentein and a werewolf, instead of train stations (in monopoly) you had to collect blood types. Can anyone tell me it's name and if it can be emulated please ?

thanks in advance
