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Member Since 27 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2006 10:46 PM

Topics I've Started

how to run

14 July 2006 - 10:12 PM

I downloaded a torrent file and it says it has alot of fruit machines, but how do I run them? the file name is fruit machine mania. It has a cue file and a bin file, nothing else. Can anyone help?

Designers for non designers

22 February 2006 - 06:47 AM

Hi All,
I'm no designer, but I have download 10 games which I play often. I really love the games and the features they have. As newbie, I had to understand how to setup everything, and it was not too hard. Now I was wondering if any designers make games from other peoples ideas. I think it would be nice if I could get my idea in a game, but if it never happens, i'll still be happy with the games I play now and the new ones I will download. If any developer that is not busy with a new progect and would not mind designing one around my idea, that would be great!!

Newbee gamer, but not a designer, Can someone design one for me?

06 November 2005 - 09:35 AM

Hi All,
I'm new to the UK style games, and I love them alot. I have 6 on my computer now, and i'm downloading 2 more now. Has anyone ever made any games without the nudges and with a different style bonus? I am in USA and I would love to see some games more like here, with the bonus spins like USA style. I know our style games here are less the bells and whistles, but there fun in their own way. I'm sure someone has to have made some. If not would someone like to and I can also give some ideas on the design or the style?
thanks to you all for viewing

looking for free PC games

27 September 2005 - 03:36 AM

Hi everyone,
I just found this site. I am looking for free casino style games for home pc use (offline) I like the slot style games. Are these games for free and for PC? Can anyone advise me of the best playing games.
thanks for reading and help!!