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Member Since 18 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2011 09:55 PM

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In Topic: SWP - INDIE.7z megaupload - A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc megaupload downlo...

20 February 2011 - 12:02 PM

Found it, nevermind :) thanks

In Topic: SWP - INDIE.7z megaupload - A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc megaupload downlo...

20 February 2011 - 01:40 AM

Your using the wrong INDE emu .......... There are 3 in total - and only 1 of them requires you to manually add coins

Could you point me to one of the automatic ones please?

In Topic: SWP - INDIE.7z megaupload - A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc megaupload downlo...

19 February 2011 - 05:26 PM

I've been told to look in this thread for an answer, but the answer is not here.

How do I get IND:E to automatically add coins? I am running a front end for the games and they will not work unless I go to IND:E and add coins manually (and then click connect) before running a game. Of course this isn't user friendly at all, and has to be done for most games.

Surely thre is a way to automatically do it? :(

In Topic: Itbox Games (Monopoly, Colour Of Money, Cluedo Etc)

18 February 2011 - 07:37 PM

It was down earlier but working now, thanks :)

I got Cluedo working in the end - it was actually to do with another bit of software that came with the machine and I actually need some help here.

The problem is that I can't play Cluedo (and many other games) without first running this software called IND:E which lets me set how many coins/credits I want to be using. From there I have to click 'connect' and then I can run the game. If I exit the game and want to play another, I have to do the same again.

Of course this is a bit of a hassle - are there any decent front-ends I can use for these games that will let me set a default credit amount and run the game simply by clicking it?

I've got my own MAME cabinet so I'm not new to this by any means, but I've never had experience with these pub quiz style games before. Thanks for any help!

In Topic: Itbox Games (Monopoly, Colour Of Money, Cluedo Etc)

18 February 2011 - 04:10 PM

The link is broken :( anywhere else to get these games? Bought a touch screen gaming machine with the same emulator and plenty of games, but a couple of them dont start up. Need to replace them and see if it fixes anything