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Member Since 16 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2008 07:32 PM

Topics I've Started

Buying a machine

24 March 2005 - 06:44 PM

Ive been thinking of buying a fruit machine for a while now but just wondedered what i should go for.

Would want a machine which had an interesting feature board

What sort of money am i looking at on average for a fruit machine? and is it worth buying from ebay instead of say a shop, i think there was a place in maidstone that sells old ones.

Could anyone suggest any good £5/15'ers that wont cost the earth these days?

also if anyone knows where i could buy one in the south east.

it would be for personal home use.


Golden Goal Release

12 November 2004 - 11:38 PM

If memory serves was'nt golden goal removed as its too new to be on here and a lot of people were unhappy, just wondering what the feelings are now someone has released a dx.

Pocket PC Fruit Machines

30 August 2004 - 08:14 PM

Ive just bought a pda off ebay, a nice ms ppc 2003 ipaq. Was just wondering if anyone knows of any good fruit machine games for them or if there are any emulators.


Extreme - Jackpot & The Beanstreak

18 April 2004 - 08:23 AM

They have had this machine in our local for some time now, and shortly after it came in we had managed to get the beanstreak feature and won £52 which was great. But its been 6 months since then and I have never once seen this machine pay more than £10 and even then that was made up of £2 and £3 wins!

I gave up machines a few months back so im not all that bothered by friends of mine who still play them still have problems with this one.

Anyone found this with this machine?

List of all fruities

21 February 2004 - 09:17 AM

Is there any site which lists all known fruities.

As an example i used to play one called Notevation (it was a jpm) but i could never find any reference to it anywhere on the net not even on jpms site. Just wondering if it was an old machine or somthing (98 or somthing) and didnt last long?

Used to be a real bugger of a machine, maybe it will be emued one day