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Member Since 06 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2012 04:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Money "dropping"

21 October 2012 - 10:18 AM

Oh, so Ive only been about here a short while & have messed about in arcades playing mostly 5p/£6JP machines.

Ive seen people mention on here about cash "dropping" in real arcades.

Now, I notice that when I play the machines, sometimes when I put the £1 in, I hear it hitting what sounds like a tin bucket at the bootom of the machine? Other times you hear it hitting other coins at the top of the machine?

Am I chatting out of my backside, or has what Ive described above anything to do with "dropping"?

Thanks guys :)

Does Anyone Remember Sky Sports?

20 October 2012 - 01:48 PM


I used to play a machine a long time ago & as far as I remember it was called Sky Sports. It was a fruit machine, and was based around a football theme.

All I can really remember is that if you made your way to the top of the board, there was a Football net, I think the goalkeeper was in the middle of the net, with balls that would light up on either side of him (which would have been a goal) or infront of him (which would have been a save) depending on where you stopped the flashing balls. Think it was 25p a spin & a £10 JP.

Does anyone remember this game? I cant think of anything else to describe it atm...

Cash And Mouse

18 October 2012 - 03:58 PM

Hey guys, Im looking for "Cash & Mouse". I managed to find an old thread HERE, but I cant see the download? Has it gone?


Tips & Tricks

06 March 2011 - 10:12 AM

Hi! Im really hoping someone can help show me a few tips for the older machines.

Pac-man (the old one), Andy Capp, Road Hog to name just a few. These are the machines i play for fun some weekends. I remember from a while back things like if you got 2 nudges and you nudged down eg 2 greenbars, then it offered you a hold, you let them spin and it brought in 3 green bars?

Last night I was playing the old 5p/£5 jackpot Pacman. I only put £2 in it and got on the board a few times. Trouble is I never really know what to do when I'm on the board. Let me explain... Lol

So the arcade i play in is pretty quiet and it's only 5p/10p machines. There are a few young girls that be in regular, & from what I see they basically wait about for machines to be played & then they go and empty them lol

So last night I had just finished playing with my £2 on Pac man & she came flying round the corner & stuck her £1 in & took the jackpot out. Now it's not the money, but how the heck did she do it? From what I could see, she put her quid in, got on the board, landed on bonus nudges twice and nudged a few things down (couldn't see what). Then she landed on skill stop, then stopped it in the +2 feature and same again. Then she was using her bonus to move back 3, which was either adding a feature or nudges.

So, it seemed she was he'll bent on getting to reel roulette - which she took. She didn't gamble it to move to the feature above. So she took the reel roulette & it landed on the jackpot - there was only 1 jackpot on the reels.

It seemed she knew what she was doing (getting the jackpot). Now what I want to know is - did she, or was it luck?

Sorry for being so long winded but the curiosity has gotten the better of me. Are there tips and tricks for the older machines like I describe?

Cheers guys, hope someone can help.

P.s I have played Pacman on emu & it's still on my pc.