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Member Since 19 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2021 12:54 AM

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In Topic: Should i build a digital fruit machine ?

17 November 2018 - 12:42 AM

Hi and thanks for the links most helpful :-)


I only really have 1 question stopping me from going ahead is, Can the emulator ( mfme ? is it ) be made to run full screen im planning on using a 32" in portrait mode but would like the whole screen filled with the machine...can this be done? my favourite machine is crazy fruits so i would base the basics on that.


Many thanks.

In Topic: a little help to a newbie

07 November 2017 - 01:43 PM

QUOTE : Some machines you will have to put in test mode to do it, and some have volume if you tick the refill key.


I can confirm that richy1976 is correct.... i hit the refill key and then test you can then use the nudge/hold buttons to increase or decrease the volume, then just design > save game..job done.


Thanks for that...  All i need now is to figure out how to make all full screen games run full screen with out the added side bits.

In Topic: a little help to a newbie

07 November 2017 - 01:35 PM

Thanks but i already had it set to full, think i might be the previous message about putting into test mode. Will try and report back.



In Topic: a little help to a newbie

06 November 2017 - 01:42 PM

EDIT sounds have now gone to quiet?? what am i doing wrong.

In Topic: screen split

06 November 2017 - 01:36 PM





Lovely its just what i want :-) is that on 2 screens or 1 and how do you get full screen as mine doesnt go full do i need to alter my monitor size.....please any advise appreciate as you have exactly what id like to achieve.