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Member Since 21 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2023 12:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Is There This Machine?

01 April 2011 - 03:38 PM

hi guys do you know if you can get the fruit machine "spin when your winning" emulated? please help :)

Help On A Machine

22 March 2011 - 02:45 PM

hi i was wondering if you know this machine... i cant think of what its called please help

it has a big wheel in the middle of the top board with values like £10, £1 , £2,£3, super feture and super cash
its a £35 jackpot
also it has 7 numbers then 8th one is start 9th is bonus fruit 10 is extra life and 11 is super start and 4 is bonus.
u need 3 symbols to get on to the superboard thing the symbols is an "s" and its yellow if that helps

when you spin a win or get nudges for a win it gives you spins e.g 3 cherrys = 1 spin 3 lemons = 2 spin and so on

please help me :p