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Member Since 27 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active May 05 2014 09:01 AM

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In Topic: The State Of This Country, And Where It's Heading.

14 November 2011 - 01:01 AM

You wanna look at the state of the matter, thicko,yobbo,rip off,skin head,chavy,impolite,uneducated,dumbed down,silly,self obsessed,idiots,aggressive,unhelpful,x factor clap for garbage,airheads nation its become.want me to continue, :lol: no wonder my sister left for Canada years ago, and to be f...in frank, can't wait to go myself. what a sad shambles its become,hardly much to be proud of is it :lol: and to blame it on "the foreigners" how sad can you get.

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In Topic: The State Of This Country, And Where It's Heading.

13 November 2011 - 11:46 AM

Why do people always think that they shouldnt be paying tax themselves when working, yet they go around calling people on the dole "spongers and scroungers"? You cant have it both ways. People on the dole are not working to fund the likes of the royal family, the real spongers. Dont forget the Queen is sitting on a £500 billion golden reserve and yet is too ignorant to even donate a few quid to save her own countrys ass which is sinking faster than the titanic, even her grandsons wedding came from the taxpayer and how many of us would be able to afford a wedding like that, especially in this recession? If blame is to be placed somewhere for this countrys state then it should be placed within the head of state itself, the monarchy - which when the Queen dies, she should take the monarchy along with her.

No the real spongers are the politicians who can claim £400 a week for living expenses ie food and employ the family as staff, have 2 houses and get the money to have the duck house on their moat cleaned. Sack a few hundred of them and build/save/modernise a few hospitals. I can't remember the last time i had foie gras.

In Topic: The State Of This Country, And Where It's Heading.

13 November 2011 - 09:47 AM

Am i missing something? Did i not tick the right box at the job centre? As i said earlier i get £67.50 a week. Out of that i have to pay gas, electricity, bills and maybe eat, oh the housing benefit i get is £100 short per month of my actual rent so make that £42.50 a week. Gee i've got it good! I certainly don't intend to sponge for long!

In Topic: The State Of This Country, And Where It's Heading.

12 November 2011 - 11:37 PM

Thanks. It's not ideal. I think i will go to (several countries which will remain namless) and express my fondness of living there....... How much would i get.... A swift kick in the gentlemans area and punted back on the first cheapest train! This country has got it all wrong. Stop giving to foreign countries because it makes you look good. Make sure your own people are sorted first! p.s. i am not racist, just think things should take priority.....

In Topic: The State Of This Country, And Where It's Heading.

12 November 2011 - 11:07 PM

It begins to become a bit of a farce when a British's schools first language is not English. P.s. I've had the recent misfortune of being made redundant along with 89 other workers. I get £67.50 A week. Worked all my days. Paid all my taxes. Mmmmmm if only i were foreign! I think i should appeal as surely it's against my human rights as i can't eat healthily on that amount of money!