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Member Since 18 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2022 09:53 PM

Topics I've Started

Barcrest Rio Enhanced carts for sale

18 May 2018 - 08:01 AM

On Ebay,







Also got a Lucky Strike for the Rio, but suspect battery is flat if you want to take a chance and try fixing it, £20 includes postage.





Railway DVDs and VHS for Sale

12 August 2017 - 04:18 PM

Well gone onto a Debt Management Plan with the charity StepChange.org in May, so here's a list of DVD's / VHS for sale. If anybody wants any titles, please PM me. Group Mod, delete if not allowed.


£2 postage in the UK, elsewhere, we'll have to sort something out.



Railways of The Northeast in Retrospect Volume 1 - Ron Goult Collection - £7
Railways of The Northeast in Retrospect Volume 2 - Ron Goult Collection - £7
The Train Now Departing - Twenty Years After The End of Steam - £10.


B&R Video Productions, vol 110 - Coals to Newcastle - £10
A History of The Whitby and Pickering Railway - £6.
B&R Video Productions,, vol 185 - North East Industrial Steam - £10.
B&R Video Productions,, vol 18 - Steam Freight in the North East - £10.
Fred Dibnah - Dig With Dibnah - 3 hours exteneded version - £7.
Moors Steam Endeavour - The Story of The Whitby Pickering Railway - £6
Steam World - Archive Series - The North East - £7
The Story Of Trains - A whistle stop tour of Britains Railways - £7
Marsden Rail 34 - Steam In The North-East - £10.
Classic Railway Newsreels vol1 and 2 - £8.
BTFC/BFI - The Age Of The Train - Vol7 - £12.
Transport In Sunderland - Mainly trams, some steam - £6.
British Steam Railways - number 6 - Locomotion no.1 - £6.
Marsden Rail 7 - County Durham - £10.
Marsden Rail 28 - Harrogate & District - £10.
Marsden Rail 4 - Darlington - £10.
Marsden Rail 17 - North Durham - £10.
Rail Freight Today - North-East - £8.

Bulk buying, I'll reduce pricing.


Basically, PM me if you're interested, payment via Paypal please, full amount so it includes their charges.

Thanks very very much.



Split from Project Amber 2 thread...

07 May 2014 - 08:00 AM

Lucky  I bought a GTX 760 yesterday.  :)


Good stuff.


I do hope the integration of both emulators does happen.  I know Guitar is keen to do the older techs and KC is keen to do the newer ones.  So in a year or two, we really could have the emulator we always wished for.  Only without all the arguments, grief, backstabbing, blackmail etc etc.





MAME SC4 Updates over the last few days

03 May 2014 - 10:56 AM

Well seeing as the section as gone, not sure where to put this, but Haze has been doing sc4 stuff over the last few days.

