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Member Since 01 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2006 03:14 PM

Topics I've Started

homers meltdown with italion job roms?

20 February 2006 - 08:32 PM

hi just downloaded homersmeltdown and running it on mfme3 it plays ok except for the fact that it has the roms from the italion job everything plays ok but just weird how it has the wrong sounds and layout for the machine? have i downloaded right?:bigeyes24:

how do i change the jacpot amounts?

19 February 2006 - 06:56 PM

hi love the site be playing loads of old fruitys but not sure if/how i change the jp amounts some of the machines i noticed have dils and if i rember correctly this is where the jp amounts can be changed but how do i know which way to switch them and it what order do i do them in?is there a way to change the jp amount?or do i need to download the same machine with a different jackpot allready on it?any info would be great thxs and keep up the good work :bigeyes16:

why do the same machines play strange in other arcades?

25 January 2006 - 06:44 PM

hi was just wondering if any one knows why some machines in arcades dont play the same way that they should?eg:carabian cash in one arcade always brings in the feature on the 3rd hold as it should do yet if i go in anouther arcade i can hold the 2 reels sometimes 6-7 times without it coming in?any one know the reason for this i thought as they where the same machines they should play the same where ever they are?:bigeyes25:

temple of treasure easy barcode jps

07 January 2006 - 10:16 AM

Hi i have a easy way to get a jp off temple of treasure it involves getting the barcode then pressing 3,2,1 as your choice this will give you a feature that involves rembering the sequence in which the hold buttons flash then repeting it to move up the wins i noticed a friend of mine taking the same feature and holding all 3 hold buttons down as soon as he pressed the 3.2.1 this seems to do the work for you just make sure you dont take your hands of the hold buttons and it s allways a jp hope this methord is not fraud as my last post was hehe :angel:

how to streak eastenders (the one that turns blue)

06 January 2006 - 06:22 PM

hi ppl i got a cheat on how to streak eastenders when you get on the feature if your lucky enough to get to the end of the feature turn it off b4 it starts (this means either unplugging it from the back or switching it off) then when you turn it back on again watch the reels if its showing alot of barcodes either a tripple bar on the 1st reel or a single bar on the last reel you know that the streak has begun if it dont work 1st time keep trying iy till it does and when the barcode stops showing its the end of the streak be carefull not to get caught switching it off lol cos i been banned from brighton pier for doing this lol hope i have explained this good enough and hope it works 4 ya good luck p.s not sure if this is in the right place but hey im new here lol:lol: