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Member Since 04 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2011 08:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Playstation 3 won`t read discs!

09 January 2009 - 11:53 PM

There was a post not long ago about someone with a PS3 just out of guarantee going tit`s up, I shouldn`t have posted in that thread because mine has just died on me :-( It is the 60gig one and I was in middle of a game and it just locked up when loading next Level, so turned off and on then it wouldn`t read any disc whatsoever! tried bluray cd dvd and a avchd (got a hd camcorder)
Anyhow As I new my friend got his mended out of warranty rang Sony at beginning of week (my PS3 is 13 months old by way) and they were really good and organised for a courier to pick it up today (even sent a txt message to confirm would be today!) will be repaired or replaced (with refurbished one I presume?) and will bring back all FOC! so just a heads up it worth asking if it goes wrong just out of warranty! 5**** to Sony as long as it comes back all ok haha!

New year resolution time?

25 December 2008 - 06:14 PM

It that time of year stop smoking/lose weight/stop drinking so much etc!

Just wondered if anyone tried the E cigs?(electronic cigarettes) They use a recharchable battery and a atomiser to heat liquid in cartrige in mouhpiece to produce a smoke like vapour!!! have just got some from

Electronic Cigarettes, Stop Smoking, Electric Cigarette, E Liquid, Alternative

but there many places selling them! and managed to cut down after a few days from smoking 20+ a day to 3/4 a day! They still have nicotine in but no tar etc and best bit can smoke in pubs arcades etc as they only release a vapour not smoke! It not same as a real cig but does come pretty close and worth it just see peoples faces as the end glows red (can get blue) when you inhale!

wii madness!

23 December 2007 - 01:50 PM

Have you seen the latest ebay madness people are reserving Nintendo wii`s at argos then selling the reservation code for £3-10! was bad enough greedy people trying sell them at £300+ sad? Will be funny after Christmas when people who bought a few wii`s and have not managed sell them by tomorrow will be trying to give them away! Anyway that my rant out of way feel better for that lol!

All the best for Christmas and new year to all at FME