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Member Since 10 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2012 01:37 PM

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In Topic: Itbox Emu

11 August 2012 - 07:26 PM

Ones have tried that not working are:
Bigmatch & Golsnatch, possibly due to the ftp bug with txt files (see http://wiki.filezill...t.org/Data_Type).

In Topic: Itbox Emu

11 August 2012 - 12:00 PM

Yeah Jim they are. It must be something to do with mazooma programming but don't know what. There must be specific stuff on original itboxes for their games that they look for.

Rename/delete the lgawpcom dll file, the error messages are coming from there(can see them in xvi32) & the game doesn't seem too bothered if it doesn't load it. Bigmatch still crashes though later on.

In Topic: Itbox Emu

05 August 2012 - 10:30 PM

For CrystalMaze7, open the samp.h file in Wordpad then re-save it.

Apparently if you ftp certain file between different os's they get reformatted automatically, Wordpad formats it back to windows style - all to do with carriage returns.

In Topic: Itbox Emu

05 August 2012 - 07:21 PM

For Monstercash, search the folder for any files containing a 'ú' character in their name, then change all the 'ú's to a '£'. So for example Winú1.px is renamed to Win£1.px.That's a 'ú' btw not a 'u'. 17 files in total.

In Topic: Itbox Emu

31 July 2012 - 05:19 PM

For Countdown, open the dictionary txt file in Wordpad, don't change anything but hit save and close. don't know why this makes it work, did it completely by accident.