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Member Since 04 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2019 09:35 PM

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In Topic: DIF - The Bitch Is Back...

19 March 2009 - 03:45 PM


Great stuff Mr House - looking forward to the return of DIF.

ps - will Slingo be making a return too :bigeyes05:

In Topic: Lincsleisure1 cannot access dads fme AGAIN!!

17 July 2008 - 01:58 PM

I thought I had logged into FruitForums by mistake for a minute :bigeyes20:

In Topic: FruitForums down

14 July 2008 - 11:07 AM

I thought it was changed to that ages ago as it previously had someones name and address on it.

I prefer 'The Bhalti Boards' has a kind of ring (of fire) to it.

In Topic: FruitForums down

14 July 2008 - 10:57 AM

I thought that if the domain expired there is some period of grace before it's offered 'on sale' to the public. I might be wrong.

It does state 'Client : onhold' which is when the domain has expired I think.