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Member Since 09 Jan 2006
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In Topic: Pac Man Club by Mazooma

10 January 2006 - 10:36 PM

Our golf club has just got this machine.

Any tips before I go and play it?


i won the jackpot (200) from this machine in my work on sunday night

its been there about 3 weeks and has paid out prizes of 150, 130, 88 and 84.. and a lot of smaller ones in between

when your on the features, if the "mazooma" button (nudge buster) is flashing, click that and try to get the feature to slow down the board, to slow it down press the nudgebuster button, and dont always aim for the jackpot because almost every time it will just kill you off on the next go


get to know the reels, go on mazooma.com it will have the reels how they are displayed, tis almost impossible to look through the reels on this machine so it is very handy to have


if 3 of the pacmen drop in (or 3 of anything), the next go it may give you a winning shuffle, press the "stop" to get this


if you go straight into the superboard, before you press anything, read the screen to see if you can get the jackpot from the nudges (when i won, it read "nudge win 200.00 or take shots") if it doesnt say that just keep going until it does


power pills are IMO the best and quickest way to get access to the superboard, get them filled up, the reels will shift and most times you will get all (or most) of the fruits filled up ..