I used winzip to open both files with no problems.
I think you'll find people are trying to use the inbuilt compression tool in Windows.
As I said, try a stand alone app like Winzip or 7zip. You may even find that Winrar will work.
07 November 2014 - 10:21 AM
I used winzip to open both files with no problems.
I think you'll find people are trying to use the inbuilt compression tool in Windows.
As I said, try a stand alone app like Winzip or 7zip. You may even find that Winrar will work.
07 November 2014 - 08:58 AM
@andy-1 any decent machines worth dx'in on zip2 if so are you taking any on???
Probably about the best fruit machines ever made.
ZIP 2 is not corrupt, but was put together on OSX so you will need something like 7ZIP. Either way here it is again zipped on Winzip for MAC.
And that neatly sums up the reason you're still on the moderation queue.
I'd need to care for your post to carry any weight.
07 November 2014 - 01:49 AM
The second zip was created on a MAC using OSX. Try using, I dunno, 7zip or something. If not I'll reupload it's no biggy.
06 November 2014 - 07:37 PM
Hey, is there any need to go fowl mouthing folks here?
Sorry we don't jump up and wipe your arse when you click your fingers!
Not sure what the other staff are up to, but attending the house fire at me mothers place takes priority.
I've merged your two threads BTW
You're welcome. And yeah, there is a need to foul mouth because I like swearing.
06 November 2014 - 02:57 PM
Given I'm in a moderation queue and can't just reply to the topic I posted (because it's not gone through the #@#@#@#s, I mean moderators yet) here are some more photos.
I have probably around two thousand, though if this is what I have to go through then tbh? for now I cba uploading any more.
Any way, that ought to do it for now. Plenty of fun to be had with those if you know what you're doing.
See you in about eight month's time, when some one mentions FME on FF again.
BTW. Before the lazy c*** brigade even bothers to slag me off.
Camera = £90. Legs = free. Use.The.f*****g.Thing.
It's really not that hard.