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Member Since 22 Jun 2003
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In Topic: Mr Cashpot wins the Cashpot!

02 January 2009 - 01:12 PM

All of you who used abuse on me in this thread, don't you dare come to my arcade (Liskeard Leisure Lounge). YOU'RE BARRED! As a matter of fact, don't come in to Liskeard. If any of you come into my arcade and say anything to me about Mr Cashpot, I will either throw you out right away or call the Police.

Unfortunately, I did have no choice to walk away from the club without changing it up, after Richard's jackpot was confiscated previously. I've got to be very strict nowadays, as strct as US immigration. Don't you dare argue with US immigration, you will be in extremely hot water!

In Topic: machines you would love to be emulated!

28 July 2008 - 08:36 AM

El Bandido Club - Vivid. I realise it plays just as bad as Card Skark though. A dire club machine.

In Topic: I'm back!

21 February 2008 - 12:24 PM

I took a break from the forums after a row about how to walk away with a £250 Jackpot without it being confiscated by some bloke called Ted at Plymouth Rileys after I realised that someone called Richard had his jackpot(s) taken away by Ted at that very club. I just could not let that happen to me as well.

Anyway, it's best to keep your winnings private.

In Topic: Mr Cashpot wins the Cashpot!

12 June 2007 - 04:10 PM

DON'T you call me full of ****! How dare you, Sharpy 2005! I hope you don't call me that word that Emily Parr did on Big Brother! I'm scared of you!

In Topic: Mr Cashpot wins the Cashpot!

05 June 2007 - 01:50 PM

I might be overdoing things really rather than being over the top, maybe too cautious. If you do win a JP, you can change it up if you want to but whatever you do, the risk is up to you. What I did after winning the cashpot went 100% no problem. I once considered stopping playing club machines at Rileys Plymouth.

Staff at clubs can take a person's winnings away if he/she is not a club member - most clubs permit only its members to play and win. But the person who had his JP taken I think was a member.