For anyone that is interested, over the next few days this tech demo is being shared across various emulation forums for PC users for touch screen games.
We have developed an application that is essentially a Windows wrapper for the IPAD and when ran, allows you to upload via iTunes single .EXE files that will run on the IPAD within the wrapper.
The application is a fairly hefty download at 584mb but from a top level view, it allows the Windows file to be ran within a virtual machine running on the IPAD (or iPhone 4).
One of the more impressive features is the running at full screen which can be seen in place around 1:40 on the video.
Unfortunatly the game seems to lock with an alarm at just over 2 minutes.
The only limitation with the application is only one Windows application can be installed at anyone time. This is because the wrapper actually takes the Windows icon (and name) for the program and uses that for the IPAD / iPhone 4 launch icon.
Other demos will be posted on other forums advertising this product - but as this was most relevant to touch screen Fruit Machines, we have posted it here.
The app when approved will retail for £1.59.