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Member Since 23 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active May 08 2021 07:17 AM

Topics I've Started

For Sale - Maygay Homers Meltdown Fruit Machine - Lincolnshire

09 June 2014 - 06:34 PM



A friend of mine has a Maygay Homers Meltdown machine which he wants to get rid of.


It had been working well in the past but now suddenly does not power-on.


He has no idea regarding value so I would say is open to offers.


The machine is at his home near Boston in Lincolnshire and I said I'd ask around if anyone is interested.


I've not posted in FME land for some years - But I've been here, lurking in the shadows :)


You might remember my dodgy VB Stiffulations from many years ago and I did bash out maybe 10 DXs back in the day...


Cheers, Clive (Stiffy1231)