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Member Since 26 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2006 07:06 PM

Topics I've Started


20 February 2006 - 08:03 PM

Hello praxis1958 it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

Ok, then. Hi! how are you all doing? I`m doing ok myself. I did get the jackpot on club firecracker the other night, 30p in £250 out! I wish I could do that in real life!

Emulate this!

05 February 2006 - 09:54 PM

Posted Image

lol! I did`nt realise old bandits were so expensive.

Club Red Hot Roll.

29 January 2006 - 05:34 PM

I`ve been playing this for a while now, has anybody got any tips?