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Member Since 27 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2018 07:33 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Party Time Arena V1.00 - help/advice

15 March 2017 - 01:36 PM

You need to download mfme5.1 then in preferences you'll need to click "find" next to the IP Address box which will automatically save your IP Address if found, close mfme then reopen it, then if successful load each part of the layout, all four parts in separate mfme.s

Thanks, i did the IP part wrong, now it's working, thanks for the reply.

In Topic: Mame dond

16 October 2016 - 02:13 PM

superb :)

In Topic: Methods, Emptiers, Etc...

21 August 2010 - 08:50 PM

Hmm on a part of these 70 quid f***ers, today i was in a pub and it had this f*****g god awful cop and robbers ( Robbers being the right way to word it ) at 25p - 50 and 1 pound. I thought i would give it a try.. before i knew it i had put 20 quid in at 50p a go and got on board once to get kicked off after 2 hits of the start button - now how on earth is that a fair and fun play to the gambler? i then sat drinking my pint to watch at least another 100 quid get put in with what i seen at least 5 quid highest pay out - my rant to this is just these companys dont give a flying f*** anymore and am never playing these 666 machines again. . i learned my lesson. sorry if this has no bearing on the subject just seen a mention on these 70 quid machines!

In Topic: The Decent Machine Lament

14 August 2010 - 08:57 AM

Am 25, and i voted for 90's mainly because they only machines i used to play, where i stay in scotland its rare to find a arcade with early machines just full of modern crap - but i now only play oxo machines in one my locals as its just full of dond, bullion bars etc...

Anyway 90's all the way i miss them machines around here!

In Topic: MPU 4 - Make. A. Mint Wdx

08 August 2010 - 12:32 PM

When it says true skill how or what button i press to slow it down to do true skill at nudges..