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Member Since 06 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2008 02:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Psycho Cash Beast

21 October 2008 - 05:39 PM

Hi, I have not been around for a while but am still looking for the centre hold button (the Hold/Hi one)

I will be happy with a scan of the decal or a button with it in...:)


EDIT: A working note acceptor with face plate as well if anyone has got one.. (plus any loom I need to wire it :))

Jackpoteer test mode

19 March 2008 - 12:06 PM

Sorry for all the questions, I have a Jackpoteer machine that I can't get into test mode (to test lights, mechs etc.) when I open the front and press the test button once twice, three times or even hold it, it just adds £5 credit...

My cash beast you just press the test button a few times and it goes into test mode, is there another way of doing it..?

Thanks :)

Psycho Cash Beast

24 February 2008 - 09:52 PM

I need a centre hold button decal, where it says Hold/Hi

Any ideas where I could get one or anyone got one they want to sell...

Please let me know

I will be happy changing all 3 hold buttons for something close as long as they have the hi & low on two of them and they are all the same..


Prospector distorted sound

17 February 2008 - 11:35 AM


I have brought a prospector fruit machine as I have not had a frutiy for ages, but there is a problem with the sound... It's all distorted, even set on very low volume it's still distorted...

I have borrowed a MPU from a mates machines and swapped the speaker to no avail...

Any ideas anyone ?


JPM Hi Roller value ??

28 February 2006 - 11:34 PM

I have been offered a JPM Hi Roller machine through a friend and have no idea what it's worth....(Neither does the man who has it he has inherited it as such)

It's a £15.00 j/p with the grapics to change it to £8.00 & £5.00 j/p

There is 2 keys for the top section and a refill key but no key for the bottom cash door (will need drilling and replacing)

It all appears to be working as it should and would give it a 7.5/10 for condition (few scratches etc.)

Any ideas ??
