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Member Since 18 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2008 01:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: quickest emptier - sorry new thread pressed the wrong button

25 February 2008 - 08:38 PM

Bloody hell... i remeber that one...

In Topic: Photoshop CS2 vs CS3?

12 January 2008 - 11:12 AM

been using cs3 extended and its great and way faster than cs2. i use it for doing gaming textures and the ACTIONS and making ACTIONS saves hours and hours of work and the plugins are fantastic. the learning curve can be a bit steep but once the basics are mastered its good. I also use GIMP and PAINT.NET for alpha images and basic editing as basic cutting and alpha images using CSĀ£ is like trying to open nut with a bomb.

In Topic: Writers needed

12 January 2008 - 03:43 AM

I would be happy to contribute an article or 12 on all retro.... all my dinner money went into all those lovely late 70s early 80s arcade machines, then my wages in early 80s machines, especially club/ferry machines.
plus i just had my first book published.

Amazon.co.uk: How to Get a Second Life: Books: Madddyyy Schnook,Andy Sullivan

And i love retro arcade xbox has them all (that work) sitting on the hard drive...

In Topic: just won 1100.00 on crand casino

18 December 2007 - 08:11 PM

The buzzing noise is from the fly flying around in that empty head of yours. 600+ bucks risk??? Christ.

Seriously though that was a lucky one for you but I bet you have had losses of hundreds in the past on these machines.

Slippery slope, I can see it now.

Good job, wife + kids, nice house ,smart car, nice bottle of wine on a Saturday

Good job, wife + kids, nice house, sold the car, nice bottle of wine.

Good job, wife + kids, house sold for a smaller one, no car, nice bottle of wine.

Good job, wife and kids left, small house sold, living in bedsit, no car, 6 pack of stella.

Lost job, lost family, lost house, living in bedsit, car gone, signed on, got Giro, bottle of buckfast and a 6 pack of Stella and stuck the rest into Mecca.

Well......................you get the picture. pmsl.

Nice to see you can still afford stella though............

In Topic: 2 Nintendo wiis for sale with wii sports and extra game

12 December 2007 - 08:08 PM

went to the shops today and went to game and another and they had plenty of wiis in just today, saying the demad had dropped so hopefully the prices will drop off back to normal.