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Member Since 21 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2006 03:58 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: lotr two towers

15 April 2006 - 12:51 AM

Lol :)

In Topic: kidney stones

05 April 2006 - 04:09 AM

Maybe its a different complaint, but I thought they could do some sort of ultrasonic "sound" that "breaks" up the stone making it easier to pass???

In Topic: bleeding criminals!!!!

04 April 2006 - 01:26 PM

Sorry to see that Bazpeeb.... will always be scum around

Partly why I moved to Canada... also got fed up with scum keying my car and feeling more and more unsafe at night.

In Topic: Bullseye info

02 April 2006 - 10:11 PM

Daemon X...

Just saw your Signature.... made me laugh.. BUT

I have roaming profiles on my latop. I took it home one weekend to do a lot of work for a presentation. I turned the system clock "BACK" to get a free time sensitive screen capture application to work (time bomb). I proceeded to work solidly for probably 14 hours over the two days. I saved my work (without turning clock forward again).

I got back to work Monday morning - connected to the server - the server saw my "older" file on my laptop and promptly overwrote it with the "newer" file on the server. Of course, system clock was to blame - and I lost the two days work. Needless to say I was on to the helpdesk to find out what happened - and it did take some time to work out. AARRGHHHH!!

In Topic: Introduce yourself

31 March 2006 - 04:13 AM

Evening all! Great site, found it a few weeks ago. Havent played any fruit machines since moving to Canada 10 years ago... so this has been a lot of fun.

Decided to bring a couple of real ones across the pond.... probably be the only ones across here - have to see if I can get the Canucks addicted! I will have them shipped by sea next week - begining of April. Will take around 4 weeks to get here.

Cant wait to see the bank managers face when I order all those British coins! He'll think im nuts (I mean why would anyone need this number of coins in Canada??? HAHA)

Id like to give designing a go in the future.... had a few attempts of going into design mode and moving things around ... but Cudos to all those that do it.... it dont look easy!

How the heck do you get the "buttons" to actually do something once they are added??? LOL.
