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Member Since 24 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2021 10:48 AM

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NV10 and MPU5 wiring

25 October 2021 - 11:23 AM

hoping that someone can help me manually wire a NV10 into a MPU5 machine. I am unable to find a loom for it. 


The NV10 has the following pins;


1 Vend 1 Output Serial Data Out (Tx)

2 Vend 2 Output DA3 Data Logging

3 Vend 3 Output Not Used

4 Vend 4 Output Not Used

5 Inhibit 1 Input Serial Data In (Rx)

6 Inhibit 2 Input Not Used

7 Inhibit 3 Input Not Used

8 Inhibit 4 Input Not Used

9 Busy Output Not Used

10 Escrow Input Not Used

11 USB + Data USB Data +

12 USB - Data USB Data -

13 USB Vcc Power USB Vcc (+5VDC)

14 Factory Use Only Do not connect

15 + Vin Power +12VDC Supply

16 0V Power 0V Supply (GND)


And another thread on here suggests that the MPU5 Aux pins are;


1 - aux0.7
2 - aux0.6
3 - aux0.5
4 - aux0.4
5 - aux0.3
6 - aux0.2
7 - aux0.1
8 - aux0.0
9 - /aux_int1 - handshaking
10 - /aux_int0 - handshaking
11 - aux_strb - strobe data from or to external equipment
12 - 5v
13 - 12v
15 - GND


It feels like 12v and 0 are easy - and I think I need to connect pins 1 & 5 on the NV10 to pins 9 and 10 on the MPU5 but not very sure. Any help would be awesome. :-)