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Member Since 01 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2025 05:33 PM

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In Topic: Sound Problems

06 January 2008 - 08:01 PM

I think this must be the case :bigeyes18:. It must be a vista problem. I think the older MPU4 machines are the problem. I have had sucess with ten out of ten and peep show.

In Topic: Sound Problems

05 January 2008 - 11:32 PM

I have tried Peep Show :bigeyes11: and the sound works fine in this game but still not on Action pack or Cash Connect:bigeyes18: .You can only here slight beeps on these games. I have downloaded them again and still no joy.

In Topic: Sound Problems

05 January 2008 - 10:41 PM

Thanks for your help I have managed to install these drivers but the same still happens :bigeyes18: The sound works fine on CD music and other applications but not on any MFME. I can't think of anything else other than it's something to do with VISTA. Is Vista compatible with MFME sound?

In Topic: I've had enough of machines, full stop.

01 March 2006 - 10:18 PM

I totally agree that new machines are a total waste of time & money. They have now got too greedy and can guzzle pounds and not 10p's!!!
In my youth, I spent all the time I could playing in the arcades and games room in our local. There used to be 3 machines and people used to queue to play them. Now there's not one!!! doesn't that figure???
Also the arcade near by used to be packed and now on the few occasions I go in there is not more than 5 people in!
To be honest I have lost interest in the new machines and has made me give up my addiction - to greedy, no game play and boreing & expensive.
One thing I am thankful for with my past addiction was that I never drunk or smoked as most of my friends did as I neded all my money to play the machines. So no regrets there.
I think the best machines made were: Strike it rich, Linx (Skillshot), Cash explosion, Hi Lo Silver, Chain Reaction etc BFM. Action Pack, Action Bank & Tik Tak Cash Barcrest & many more in that time. Also more recent Open the Box, Payrise, Pound 4 Pound, Play it Again & Twlight Zone Ace.
If these machines were around I would play them far more than the crap that is around now.