Hi There
Please can someone possibly help me as I think i'm going mad....
In 2005 there were posts regarding playing the SWP version of the cyrstal maze (the ones where you do the puzzles). Back then a lot of people said it was hard to emulate but still possible.
I have downloaded nearly every emulator possible Mame, Mage, MFME, Itbox, indie and god knows what else all to no avail....
I really don't know what i'm doing wrong.
The best i get is either 'resetting swp' then nothing or the buttons load at the bottom. Both of these are through different emulators.
All I am trying to do is play the crystal maze quiz machine from years back, surely this is now possibe?
If so PLEASE will someone help me and tell me what i'm doing wrong. It would be great if I even knew which emulator i should be using.
Knowing me I'm probably in the wrong place altogether
Thanks for reading