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Member Since 23 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2021 02:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: {Epoch}Royal Roulette Dx Impulse Gaming £25

15 February 2017 - 10:22 PM

Good man. Thank you for this. How annoyingly catchy is the music on this haha! Brings back memories, that's for sure!

In Topic: Most Daunting Wdx

20 December 2016 - 09:29 AM

Good work man. I couldn't produce anything satisfactory in Photoshop from scratch, sadly. Hopefully somebody pops up soon who owns a game by these guys so we can get some high quality shots of the reel art.

In Topic: Red,Top Giza Wdx

15 December 2016 - 10:17 AM

Top work, my friend!


Many a Friday night £75 streak was had out of these. Contrary to what most people say, I loved Reds. I found that you could read them quite easily and you could tell by how the reels landed / what bonuses were offered within about £5 / £10 whether it was worth pursuing. How I miss these. So, looking forward to giving this a go on release. :D


08 December 2016 - 09:27 AM

Well, that was harder than I thought. There is almost no resources at all on-line I can find that give a glimpse of these Extreme Gaming fruits to give me a starting point. I saw a few YouTube videos of people playing the games in question and tried to grab some screenshots. Sadly, most are from about 8 years ago (which would make sense as that's roughly when they were prominent) and so the video quality (recorded on mobiles of the time) is poor. Will do some further exploration tonight. You'd think somebody somewhere would own an Extreme Gaming unit for us to be able to lift the fruits from. :(


07 December 2016 - 03:05 PM

Sure thing matey. Look forward to giving it a try.


Do we know the full list of symbols there should be?


From memory (from a mixture of their games):





Blue Sevens,

Red Sevens,

Green single bars,

Pink double bars,

Yellow treble bars,

Extreme Gaming Jackpot symbols.


Possibly oranges and grapes too?

