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Member Since 14 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 05 2018 11:15 AM

Topics I've Started

Epoch MPU

29 May 2013 - 08:57 PM

Hi all,


I was wondering if anybody has a working Epoch MPU they can sell me please?


Many thanks,


Slightly Faulty Extreme Double Dragon - Help Please?

27 May 2013 - 04:35 PM

Hi All,


I've just become an owner of an Extreme Double Dragon (Epoch), bought as spares or repairs.


I got it home and plugged it in to try and see what sort of problem we may have. After a bit of clearing up inside (lots of lamp holders and bits not fixed into place and missing etc.) it actually started up and was playable with all displays seeming to work.


Anyway, I am now trying to get it into test mode and now since powering it off and on a few times it won't start up any more. The reset LED/Light is now on solid and the security LED/Light is flashing. I can't remember if these were the same when I powered it up the first few times, but can anybody give me a clue as to what these mean? Has it locked out? And how do I actually get it in Test/Free play mode?


Next thing is the Power Supply. Despite it booting and appearing to work the first few times, the -12V LED/Light is not lit on the PSU or the MPU, is this a bad thing?


Finally, with the speakers connected (some of the wires had snapped off) the front facing speaker has a slight humming noise, and the rear facing speaker is fine.


Just a note, the RAM battery appears good, with no corrosion or furring. I do have more questions about reconnecting missing switches, but I'll look at that if I get it working.


Thanks for reading,


PacMan Plus Big Money gameboard

25 July 2009 - 04:01 PM

Hi All,
As some of you will know, i've got my pacman plus machine (it's now been refurbished fully except for some yellow paint) and if you get onto the 'Big Money' gameboard you can guarantee it will only pay out £5 as a maximum. I've tried in both normal mode and test mode. In attract mode, the alpha shows that up to £75 is possible, yet it won't even go to the J/P of £8, what gives?


Pacman stuck in refill mode

28 June 2009 - 10:35 PM

Hi All,
I have just got the Pac Man Plus machine i mentioned earlier and it seems to be stuck in its Refill mode. Upon switching on it completes all it's ROM and Sound checks and then it displays '1 Pound 125.00'. Pressing the Start button goes through the various Refill options as shown in the Manual. The machine also has the 'CASH FULL' lamp lit, does this all mean anything. How can i fix this problem?

The mainboard is brand new.

Kind regards,

My First Fruity

28 June 2009 - 03:07 PM

Hi All,
If some of you have been reading my other post (fruity in a laguna) you will know what i'm getting and the possible problem. For all who don't know:
Bellfruit Pac Man Plus (with cash on the super-board instead of features etc)

The issue it currently has is that it is either asking to be refilled or thinks the refill switch is triggered. I have been told that it could be a simple dead battery since the PCB is brand new, never used but could be potentially 11 years old.

When i go to collect, is there anything i should be looking out for in terms of condition etc? The deal is fairly good at £35 + my own transport fuel, no courier costs. He is also supplying decals for £5, £8 and £15 jackpots. He also is giving me all the keys and manual.

Does this sound reasonable?

Kind regards,