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Member Since 16 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2022 08:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The end of everything as we know it

05 September 2008 - 05:09 PM

come September the 10th i will be in skegness, so cant thing of anywhere i would die than swimming in the cold sea of skeggy so, (BRING IT ON)

In Topic: xbox 360 owners

28 April 2008 - 10:22 AM

hello vampUK sports games virtua tennis3 is a good sport game as sega rally is, but my best two games are bioshock and the orange box which you get (half life 2 episode 1 and two team fortress 2 and portal) online play is brill on 360 there are loads of online games for the 360 but one of my best games for online is call of duty 4 and perfect dark zero which you can get dead cheap now. i hope this will help you .it is a good idea to look at games on the internet as well

In Topic: manhunt 2 Ban game overturned

14 March 2008 - 08:15 PM

its not the best game. i know that but what gets me mad are the twats at the p.c brigade trying to ban any game that as 18 certificate just you wait when gta 4 comes out. the daily mail will be first in line to get that game banned. i do want to play manhunt 2 as i have got the first manhunt.

In Topic: space invaders rip off!!

11 February 2008 - 02:57 PM

£170 is an average 2 days wages for me.

£350 made over the weekend :D


In Topic: Old joke (it made me giggle)

05 February 2008 - 11:12 PM

hear i sit, having a shit, it wont come, but i wont quit, tonnes of gas, i must have farted ,until my arse cheeks, finally parted.:bigeyes10: