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Member Since 15 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active May 10 2006 09:31 PM

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In Topic: buying a machine???

16 April 2006 - 03:01 PM

yep i know where ming ming is as i used to live there...lol well some1's got to..

cops n robbers is a good machine as its years old now and people still love it.
more of a club cops n robbers is a fave.

if you goto www.stuff4sale and goto the grimsby/sc***horpe web site and click on other stuff for sale there is a premier manager club machine on there for £80

looks like a nice machine, im assuming its very similar to the club cops n robbers: http://www.fruit-emu...oads//pvw38.jpg

ive been playing the above emulated and its great fun and for £80 my dad could fill it for me too :)

In Topic: buying a machine???

16 April 2006 - 11:06 AM

ah so your from grimsby then.

well look no further i am selling a machine called top dog and it has a note acceptor. its currently on ebay up for grabs.

i actually live in Immingham but no one ever knows where that is.

ill let my dad know about this as ive found the auction, looked on the barcrest website and it looks like an interesting machine... only other thing is he has a mate that has a "cops and robber" for sale (not sure which one though im assuming theres loads) but im trying to have a look first as it may not have as many features as top dog.... im also tempted by a club machine but it may take me as month or 2 just to get enough money in there to even have the possibility of winning the jackpot