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Member Since 18 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2016 10:54 AM

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Crazy Fruits - Power Supply?

26 October 2007 - 11:28 PM

Hello all

I am a first time owner of a fruit machine - it is a QPS Crazy Fruits £5/£8 jackpot. Purchased off ebay and worked great for about a week. Then it started playing up - re-initializing at odd times.

Sometimes when a win occurred, other times such as 'killer tomato' so I guessed perhaps the power supply was on its way out. I did find a loose bulb in the coin mech (10mm wedge) which seemed to cure the problem for a while.

I am now back to my original diagnosis as the machine keeps rebooting when the sequence finishes and the lights fire up. I guess the initial current draw is shutting down the psu.

I could not find a similar Sanken unit anywhere via the web. I did find a newer Sanken unit (sps077?) listed as being OK for QPS/Maygay/Bell Fruit machines on ebay but when I plugged it in I kept getting 'reel 4 error 24' as a message.

I swapped the psu again and now the machine is working again (not sure for how long though).

Can anybody point me in the right direction please. I am mechanically minded but electronics are a bit ahead of me so please keep it simple.

Thanks for your help.
