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Member Since 24 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2006 07:31 PM

Topics I've Started

Party time

24 April 2006 - 07:10 PM

No, don't worry, not a "Is this emulaterable (sic)" post! I've done my homework!

What I want to know is, when you get on the topbox in this game, is the first spin a guaranteed win? I ask because I was playing once and it span in 2 jackpot symbols and the right hand reel just continued to spin, forever.

Luckily, the arcade it happened in is decent and gave me the price of the jackpot, in cash. Not everywhere would do that though!

Something wrong with the machine?

Buying a machine, and note acceptor

24 April 2006 - 07:03 PM

Hi guys, this is a lovely site you have here, I am hoping to become a regular contributor if I can.

I am thinking about buying a club fruit machine to use as a savings box. What I was wondering is, how much money does a note acceptor hold? I'm not rich btw, just wondering!!