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Member Since 27 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2006 09:29 PM

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In Topic: MAYGAY Help needed !!!

15 July 2006 - 11:53 PM

Have you managed to get it sorted ??

i just bought an apollo 9 that was faulty. all lights on apart from 12v +
Checked all fuses tested all connections but still the same.

Wipped the psu out and sat it on the bench and reworked all solder joints. All the voltages were correct comming from the main coil. as u say 11v from the 12v line... check the wires to and from each fues holder . Bang there was a bad connection on the fuseholder on the 12v line. all the solder looked good but there was a fault in the fuse holder and the cable going to it.. Just salvaged it from the scrap heap. hope it might help you a bit with getting your machine running again.

In Topic: Club Pontoon Problems

18 May 2006 - 08:25 PM


on you mech (me126) does it fill both 50p tubes or dont you know.. Does the coin sorter have a routing plug in it? is the routing plug attached to the main mech wiring ?

I have a working me126 accepting new 10's and 50's and i have rewired the routing plug but i cant get it to fill both 50p tubes. I think there are 2 black wires comming from the main mech wiring that acts like an overide so the sorter can fill both 50p tubes but i dont know where the black wires go to in the routing plug. (if they even got to the routing plug)

In Topic: mpu4 mod2 help

06 May 2006 - 11:04 PM

thanks guys. i will check the bridge recs and caps tomorrow
and let you know. A little bit of soldering rework never goes wrong in electronics. Just a shame switching atx psu's ain't as easy.

In Topic: Validator Upgrades and Repairs (Very good prices)

02 May 2006 - 08:04 PM

Thanks guys. Saved me £15.00 for a reprograming of my MS115. The guy from ebay says they were good.. should have asked here first. Maybe this should be a sticky to warn others off. There again for a one off reprogramming how bad could they make it.

In Topic: Club Pontoon Problems

02 May 2006 - 09:20 AM

As per normal my lack of short term memory strikes again. the coin validator is a Mars MS115..

Just back from a furity graveyard. got a couple of coin chutes that are the right size for new 50's and 2 ms111 coin valisators to play with.

Inside one of the newer cabs was a sticker with routing info on. it said either an ms111 or a ms126 must be fitted to this machine