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Member Since 28 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2006 10:33 PM

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In Topic: Hot Stuff: Extra Life Annoyance

09 June 2006 - 08:21 AM

I must admit that I thought that Hotstuff didn't got from one ? to another ?

I have been playing mine for a few weeks, and I don't remember ever wining an ? and then immediatly ending up on another.. I actually thought it was part of the software, so always carried on after a ? as I assumed that I couldn't land on another.

I will keep my eye open for this.. If it does happen, its not often!


In Topic: Hot Stuff: Extra Life Annoyance

08 June 2006 - 09:28 PM

Gazeryre1966.. Its a bit difficult not to play it.. I OWN one :)

I am just commenting at one frustrating part of the gameplay!


In Topic: Hot Stuff: Extra Life Annoyance

08 June 2006 - 08:33 PM

With Hotstuff (And the clones) when you land on the ?, you get put to another part of the board which has the following

- Jackpot
- Hi/Lo Jackpot
- Move On
- Skill Continue
- Roll Even
- Collect Prize
- Hi/Lo Continue
- Continue Yes/No
- Loose.

When you land on the ?, it puts you on this list at random and then gives you the choice to collect the item you are on now, or gamble to go one above/below.

Anything above (and including) Skill Continue is no lose.. On the others you can die.

If you get here with an Extra life, you should be able to gamble as even if you end up on loose, you just loose your life! BUT.. If you land (or end up) on Collect Prize, you just have to collect one of the stacks (Cash, feature, etc) and can't loose, so you therefore can't loose your extra life.

Its a bit of a pain really and unlike any other machine I have played, as when most offer an Extra Life, you genuinly can play until you loose it!


In Topic: How do I remove my button Panel

07 June 2006 - 06:29 PM

Doh!! How obvious was that??

So, I just remove the microswitches from the buttons.. Why didn't I think of that.



In Topic: Fruit Machine Paint?

31 May 2006 - 02:20 PM

Thats exactly the point I tried to make... My finish was AMAZING.. I used Nitromorse and the old 'gloss' just fell off. I got it back to bare metal, but unfortunatly, its galvanized (with Zinc) so you can't you can't use Hammerite on it..

In my case, I had to use a special "primer for Zinc" (not to be confused with Zinc Primer) and then apply the Hammerite.

I was really impressed with the finish, but it hasn't gone rock hard (Yet), so I am worried about damaging the paint.

What I was saying is that IF you don't get the old paint off, when you respray it, you will see 'ridges' where the old paint used to be... Thats why you either have to get it all off, or atleast give it a VERY good sand!

The only other point I was trying to make is that if you use 'flat' paint, and specs of dust (or slight inperfections) can be seen.. But if you use the 'Hammered' Hammerite finish it hides it much better.
