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Member Since 28 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2006 10:33 PM

Topics I've Started

Machine has started to reject more coins

10 July 2006 - 05:25 PM

My HotStuff has started rejecting coins.. Not all that many, but certainly more than before.

Its especially fussy about 20ps.. Is there anything that can be done to service it, or lower the sensitivity?


Hot Stuff: Extra Life Annoyance

08 June 2006 - 07:07 PM

I have found an anoying 'feature' in Hotstuff, which I guess is present in all the clones.

When you get an extra life, if you land on the '?' and then end up with a 'Collect Prize', you have no choice but to take the prize, even if its s**t!

This is annoying as an Extra life is always fun to have as you can go mad until you loose it.

But on Hotstuff, you still have to be careful as you can (and usually) do end up with a 'Collect Prize'

Does anyone know if there is a way around this?


How do I remove my button Panel

07 June 2006 - 08:58 AM

I have managed to chip my button panel and now I can't stop playing with the chip and its getting bigger.

I was going to get some 'touch up' paint, but since the paint its clearly not adhered to the metal, I am tempted to take it off, remove ALL the paint and give it a decent respray.

How exactly does the button panel come off? Is it simply a case of unscrewing all of the buttons from underneath? Or is the panel held on by other means?

Also, is there any logic to the wiring? Every button has 4 wires and I can't work out how to do this so that I can remember how to put it all back (unless I label EVERY wire).

Any info on this would be appreciated


Is it possible to change the 'full hopper' level?

25 May 2006 - 01:33 PM

I just had an interesting thought.. I am gradually putting my spare change into my machine, which makes it difficult to get out, unless:

a. I win
b. I go through the tests and eject a few coins
c. I dump the hopper.

Once the hoper is full (£125), this will no longer be a problem as all of the money will fall into the cash box, so I can take it out as/when i want.

But this will mean having to keep £125 in the machine.

It got me thinking.. Is it possible to change the level at which the hopper believes that its full? If it can't be done by a method which is part of the design, is there any 'bodge' which can be done to achive this?

Ideally, I would like something like £50 to be in the hopper and the rest to go down the back!


Strange noise from machine!

24 May 2006 - 10:47 AM

Again, I am sorry for all these questions.. I hope that I don't start to get on everyones nerves. You should take it as a compliment as your advice as been really helpful.

My Hot Stuff makes a strange whining/buzzing/squeeking/whistling noise which changes pitch as more/less lights come on.. At first I thought that it was only coming from the speaker but I have found that the noise also comes from the reel motors and the PSU. Interestingly, if I touch/move the reels, the noise changes (it gets louder).

It actually sounds like High Tension (High Voltage) noise that you get in a faulty monitor, but the fact that the sound comes from the PSU, Motors and Speakers is strange.

Is this normal? I was told that it was, but last night I was in a pub (which admittedly was fairly loud) and put my ear against the speaker and heard nothing.

I am not talking about a feint noise, but quite a racket which can easily be heard from 10 ft away.

Is this really normal? If not, any ideas what I can do? My guess would be the PSU!!
