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Member Since 12 May 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2006 09:43 PM

Topics I've Started

Barcrest Reel D "Out Of Sync"

18 May 2006 - 09:50 AM

I've got a problem with my psycho cash beast, if anyone can help.

It's suddenly started going out of sync on the Hi/Lo feature reel. Instead of it spinning to a number, it spins to inbetween 2 numbers and does the customary 'Check It Out' shouting.

Is this repairable? Can anyone give me any pointers to what I should be checking?


Barcrest Hopper Question.

12 May 2006 - 07:26 PM

I'm a bit of a noob, just got my first fruity and have a question.

It's a Barcrest Psycho Cash Beast which is set to 25p play & £15 jackpot.
It takes 5p's up to £2's but only the £1 coins go into the hopper. Everything else drops down into the cash bins. This obviously means it only pays out in £1 coins.

If you win something like £1.60 and collect it, it gives you a bonus of 40p so that it can pay you £2 because of the £1's in the hopper.

Is it possible for it to accept silver into the hopper or will the hoppers accept £1 coins only. There seems to be 3 tubes but only one has writing on it. The £1 one.
